
EVIAN 2005

I found this Evian water bottle in a small shop in Tenerife. I thought it was such a nice and expensive looking item to have amongst all of the other plastic water bottles. Surprisingly, at only 2 euros, it was pretty much the same price as the standard bottles and so it had to be purchased. Another great example of packaging selling a product.


Holly Mee said...

it is some great packaging but i saw it in Harvey Nichols in Leeds and its pretty large and wasn't so cheap there, from a practical side its not the best but nice to see different bottles come onto the market and in not the normal shape bottle.

Anthony Smith said...

Nice unique design that sets it apart from the norm. Imagining it was a gimic product that aimed to boost sales. I wonder if it worked or if as Holly says it put people off by its impracticality.

Without the label and made with glass (assuming this is made out of plastic) it would be a nice thing to keep as its really quite aesthetically pleasing.

Blez said...

Well David i have to agree that this buy was an absolute must for the measley price of 2 Euros. It goes to show that with effective packaging and the right execution people are willing to buy an item not for its content but actually for its aesthetic appeal. Perhaps one for the mantel piece!

Michelle Almond said...

Evian continue to further and outstretch other bottled water companies with their designs. As blez said... people will buy something because it is aesthetically pleasing. A family I know went to the 'f' word restaurant and managed to take a bottle of the water in the red bottle... and it now sits on the the window sill in the kitchen... I suppose, to show off! People tend to like things that create conversation.