I visited Florence on a trip with my Art class in 6th form. I love the place! I have never been anywhere that has had such an impact on me and left such a mark. The city's style, its class, and most of all it's buildings and architecture is just breath taking. The countless fashion boutiques were well represented by the people walking along the streets, everyone looked so stylish and so smart. The staff in the Hugo Boss outlet, situated in the main square, were incredibly groomed and very well dressed, this just summed up the whole city.
Unfortunately the camera I took with me was not digital and so all I have to show from my visit are some actual photos, which do not translate very well onto screen and really dont do the place justice. I have therefore used a couple of images I have found on the internet, but to be honest these still dont do it justice!

This was my favorite building in Florence. It is called the Palazzo Vecchio, or 'old place', and is located in the main square. I was keen to see this when I visited as I had seen it in 'Hannibal' and thought it looked incredible. It did not disappoint although was smaller than I had imagined, but in many respects this made it all the more impressive.

Even the bridges crossing the Arno River were incredible. This aspect of the architecture reminded me of Venice.

This is one of my photos, I was determined to put it up as it shows the stunning views of the rooftops that can be seen from the top of the Cathedral. I think this gives a superd idea of the layout and feel of the city. Well worth a visit.